Shades of Ray, a film directed by Jaffar Mahmood, was featured Saturday night at The Modern for the Best of the Fest Series put on by the Lone Star Film Society. Luckily, I was volunteering for the Society and had the chance to finally see this film that I had heard such terrific things about in November while I was driving around people in a car that cost more than my house!
I was impressed with the writing, direction, and acting from this nice little romantic comedy. What made the viewing even more enjoyable was the Q & A afterwards with the director, Jaffar Mahmood, and one of the stars, Brian George(a wonderfully brilliant character actor- you know, "That Guy" kind of person). The great thing is that, even if you don't get the chance to see it in a theatre, you will have the opportunity to watch it on Amazon Video on Demand. Check out the links for everything discussed here!