After two years, I've earned my Masters, which means that I will actually be able to return to the blogging world! I am so happy about it, too!
In honor of the New Year and the return of The Green Texan, here are my resolutions for 2010:
1. Write more, professionally and on the blog!
2. Return to a healthy lifestyle (sitting around on the couch for days working on papers can really widen the backside).
3. Continue to garden, but do it well instead of half...way (trying not to curse so much, too!).
4. Read for pleasure.
5. Start planning improvements to the house. I can afford it now, so go for it.
6. Get a life. I started on this a bit for the Fall, but it would be nice to, you know, actually go out on dates...or something like it!
7. Travel for fun. See #6 for reference.
8. Re-green my life. You'd think The Green Texan would be a little more green than most. I forgot how to compost, though, when I went through the craziness that was "selling the house," which, of course, did not happen!
9. Cook more at home. Not only will I be able to ensure that I know where my food comes from, I can control how much I spend (see #5, #6, and #7 for reference!).
10. Be happy. Not always the easiest thing to do, but definitely a goal to work towards (um...see #6 and #7 for reference...).
I'm pretty sure that I will be able to keep these resolutions this year. I have no reason not to!
So, just remember, this is the year I take my life BACK!