I’m still suffering from some congestion, but the
temperature broke last Friday. I’ve had severe lack of energy since then. It’s
been difficult to motivate myself to do my regular day to day work at school,
let alone anything extra.
I refuse to make myself feel guilty for not having
accomplished my goals for the past two weeks. I was sick. It happens to
everyone. I can’t stress about this. I just have to do what I can do when I can
do it. The best thing for me to have done for my creative process was to do
exactly what I did: rest. If I had attempted to write during that time, it is
entirely possible I would have screwed up, creating a more embarrassing mess
than just not doing anything. This is an important lesson for me. I used to
push through sickness, working myself to an even worse state than I would have
been had I rested. I would end up being sick for a month or longer, never
allowing my body to slow down to heal itself.
Please remember to take care of yourselves when you get
sick. It may seem like the noble thing to do to just force yourself through it,
but it is damaging, not only for your health, but also for your work. Plus, you
don’t want to be “the one” to spread a contagious virus!
Stay well, and when you aren’t, allow yourself to stop.