


Public Services Librarian- Jenkins Garrett Library, South Campus 

  • Provide reference and circulation services both at the service desk and online via LibAnswers. 

  • Create and maintain the weekly reference desk scheduling for the four campus librarians, ensuring there is always desk coverage around the librarians' other scheduled events.

  • Assist with technology troubleshooting on TCCD technology within and outside of the library. 

  • Liaison with the Writing Center, providing cross training and shared information.

  • Librarian Liaison for the Division of Business and Technology, collaborating with instructors to provide up-to-date materials and instruction.

  • Present orientations and research workshops to both students and colleagues, as well as develop and maintain LibGuides. 

  • Collection development for both Divisions of Business and Technology and Humanities.

  • Develops library displays/exhibits and accessible signage.

  • Committees Served:

  • Campus Library External Outreach Committee- Planning for events held within the library for students, faculty, staff, and community.

  • Campus Belonging and Engagement Committee- Planning for events with faculty and staff, such as the annual Holiday Celebration, campus Holiday Giving program, annual Spring Social, Celebration of Student Excellence event, End of Year Cookout, and Campus Appreciation Luncheon.

  • Campus Script Literary Journal Committee- On Editorial Board for the student, faculty, staff, and community literary journal for TCC South Campus.

  • District LibGuides Committee- Coordinating with other district librarians to create a cohesive design, consistency, and standardization of information within TCCD LibGuides. 

  • Professional Memberships- Texas Library Association (Current)



Texas Certified School Librarian- Green B. Trimble Technical High School (2014-2021) 

  • Maintained a balanced library collection and adding over 3,000 eBooks to the catalog. 

  • Communicated regularly with vendors to provide the most up-to-date physical and digital products for the library. 

  • Regularly provided database and research training in the library and out in the classrooms. 

  • Managed library computer lab, ensuring that all VDIs were well maintained, and remained connected to the network and printer.

  • Supervised and trained student assistants each semester in library customer service practices. 

  • Implemented reading incentive programs through Accelerated Reader and Battle of the Books.

  • Technology Liaison and Student Device Facilitator- troubleshooting common issues with student and classroom technology, and as well as technology training (2014-2021).

  • Committees: Texas Library Association- Texas Media Awards/Texas Youth Creators Awards (Chair 2015-2017, Vice-Chair 2013-2014) 


Texas Certified School Librarian- Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (2008-2014) 

  • Improved Librarian/Teacher collaboration through library classes using databases and approved websites. 

  • Increased circulation rates and walk-in visitors to the library by creating an inviting atmosphere. 

  • Initiated a library book club, reading fiction and graphic novels, funded with grants (2009-10= Dollar General Literacy Grant to supply students with books; 2010-14=First Book Literacy Grants). 

  • Supervised and trained student assistants in library customer service practices. 

  • Extracurricular Duties: Maintained school website (2009-2014); Book Club Advisor (2008-14); Key Club International Advisor (2009-13); UIL Spelling & Vocabulary Coach (2009-11); A/V Club Advisor (2010-13) 

  • Committees: Texas Library Association- Texas Media Awards Committee (2011)/Vice-Chair (April 2014), Campus: Campus Coordinating Committee (2009-11); District Employee Relations Council (2010-14), Site-Based Decision-Making Team (2011-12), UEA Building Contact (2013-14)