Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 New Year's Resolutions...

Today is, of course, the first day of 2009! Happy New Year! In the vein of years' past, I guess I should put a few resolutions here (remember, those are really goals for me...), so here goes:

  1. Quit drinking soft drinks- I've done well on this so far, it's 4:30-ish and haven't had even one!
  2. Eat healthier and exercise- main goal is to lose weight on this one, but also just to be a healthier person all round.
  3. Plant a monster garden- I ordered the seeds already, so I'm close to there!
  4. Do more work on and around my house- um... maybe finish that patio I talked about last New Year... and save money for the bathroom.
  5. Make all As on my last 5 grad school classes- Just keep focused and I will!
  6. Graduate in December!!!- Duh... I can't help but do that if I take the last 5 classes
  7. Read More- This year I read 4 books for pleasure...I actually read about 30 books, but 26 of them were for school (boo...)
  8. Write More...than just grad school papers- This will be difficult this year, but I'm going to try. Next year I will definitely have no excuse!
  9. Get the dogs their shots and keep their spot stuff on their backs so there are no fleas on them- I actually think they may love me more for that.
  10. Keep up my "Greening"- It will be on here when I do it, so we shall see!