Monday, April 8, 2019
Panther City Review #4 Deadline is NEAR!
If you weren't aware, I have a publishing company, Sleeping Panther Press. I decided to start this micro-press to showcase local writers (at first, just my critique group!) through an annually published literary journal, Panther City Review.
Definitely take a moment to check out previous issues, which can be ordered through Amazon, via this link (Issue #3, 2018).
If you are interested in submitting to Panther City Review this year, the deadline for Issue #4 is April 29, 2019 at 11:59PM CST.
Here are the submission guidelines:
Click here to submit
The theme for this issue is "Focus."
The submission fee is $5 per entry (Poetry may submit up to 5 poems for $5, Cover Art up to 2 images for $5).
What Is Published in Panther City Review?
Creative Non-Fiction (up to 4,000 words)
Novel Excerpts (up to 4,000 words)
Poetry (up to 5 poems per submission)
Short Play/Screenplay (up to 15 pages)
Short Story (up to 4,000 words)
Submission Guidelines:
Please make sure to include the type of entry in the title of your document file (ie- nf=Non-Fiction, ss=Short Story, etc). Please make sure your file is an editable file (ie- .docx or .rtf).
We are also seeking Cover Art.
If you are an artist and interested in submitting cover art, please make sure to include a document describing the art you are submitting and how it relates to the theme of "Focus." Please make sure that your submission is a vertical image (the journal is printed 5.125" X 8"), and submitted as a .jpg file no smaller than 300 dpi.
All submissions chosen for Panther City Review Issue #4 will receive a complimentary copy of Issue #4 as well as wholesale discounts on any additional copies. All accepted writers will be invited and encouraged to attend in the launch party in Fort Worth, where there will be an opportunity to read a selection from your included work in the Fall of 2019.
Any submissions not accepted will receive critique notes as a thank you for your interest. If you have questions, please contact Rachel Pilcher at
Posted by
Rachel Pilcher