I planted the watermelon and cantalopes in the driveway. I was afraid they would get ran over because the fence is brown (you can't even see it in the picture, can you?). So, I placed old, dead CDs on strings to act as reflectors. They work very well and have an eerie glow at night.
Um... I should have a picture of the strawberries in the strawberry pots placed right here. I don't know why I didn't take a picture of them!?!
This is pretty close to what the garden looks like now, but I've added cedar mulch (local!) and, with all of the rain, everything is probably about a foot taller now.
Mom and I stopped and had a nice pot of tea (not local- Harrod's Earl Grey #42, YUM!) and blueberry scones from the Artisan Bread Company purchased at the Cowtown Farmer's Market. This was on an unrealistically cold last Sunday in April (27th).
We also had a fire. I wonder if the burn ban is still in effect?
The potatoes do seem to be growing several inches a day, though, so it's good I finally found something cheap and organic!
The Swiss Chard is finally looking like Swiss Chard!