Mystery revealed after 7 years- it's pink! This must be a sign to bloom this color at this particular time, since pink is the color of breast cancer awareness (an update on my mom will be Monday when she finally decides what course she is going to take).
Now, the vegetables and fruit... I picked this basket of tomatoes yesterday morning.
Here is a close-up of a Green Zebra.
The most prolific greenery would be the German Butterball.
But not too far behind would be the Austrian Crescent. They are supposed to be harvested 90 to 100 days after planting. I'm going to have to go back and look in this blog to see when I uploaded those pictures!
Here are two of my watermelons. I've found at least 6 globes on the vines, so I'll have to see exactly how many will actually grow to maturity. I'm trying the "no till" method on these since I really did not have a tiller available at the time of planting. I'm cutting the grass back away, but I've heard that using this method helps retain the moisture for the plants (I don't see how, but oh well!). The corn is not doing as well using this method. I'm going to clean out the grass around them either tomorrow or Monday to help them out.
I have three cantalope all about the size of my fist.
Finally I have several purple-ish tomatoes on the Cherokee Purple (about 7).
The Green Zebra is producing so many, I can't even count now how many are on this vine.
This is my one and only tomato on the Mortgage Lifter bush. It keeps producing flowers, I keep shaking the plant, but this is it so far.
Nope, there are no pictures of tomatoes on the Boxcar Willie, because there are no tomatoes on the bush at all. The thing grew straight up, about 6 feet, puts on flowers, but like the Mortgage Lifter, nothing. I'm debating on trimming it down to about 4 feet to see if it will have better luck then. It might kill it, but hey, like it's doing anything now except suck up water anyway.