Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Winter Break Means Time to Think and Write!

It’s the day after Christmas and I’ve given myself two days of my winter break to relax. Today is a workday for me. I’ve never been so excited to get into my office and get to work! In preparation for winter, I moved my citrus trees in the house. I currently have a fully blooming Meyer lemon tree directly behind my desk. It smells lovely and in a few months will give me quite a nice supply of lemons. It's definitely a scent-spiration to work!

Just a quick bit of promotion: If you’ve ever taken my Write Fearlessly course in person, or always wanted to, but just couldn’t make it out on the day it was scheduled, I now have an online class scheduled on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 10am CST that you can take from the comfort of your home! To read more about it and to register, click here.

I’ve been contemplating my work- as a librarian, a writer, an instructor, and publisher. There are certain goals that I’ve set in place for myself when it comes to my work and I'm pretty cut and dry when it comes to thinking those goals are being met. I do well in structured environments. I do well when I can have a daily or weekly checklist and accomplish tasks every day, marking the tasks off that list. I do well with few interruptions. I do well when the job that I’m supposed to be doing is the job that I am actually tasked doing.

The day job, as a librarian, is morphing into something that it was not originally and I’m not sure that I want to do that particular job- If I did, I would have applied for that job! It’s not that I can’t do it. I can. I just see that eventually the gig will be up and the powers that be will decide that they don’t need to pay someone as much as they pay me—or librarians, in general—to do the work they have cornered us into. I’m not 100% sure what I’m going to do about it, but I know that it won’t be sitting around, just letting others decide what my job responsibilities are. For now, though, I’m doing the work until another option becomes available.

As for my work as a writer, instructor and publisher...there will be a renewed focus on this in 2019. If only I could make those my day job!?! Well, I’m going to push the limits to see how much I can grow them. I see this particular work like sourdough bread starter: you can let it go dormant a bit, but if you begin to feed it, the growth will take off. I’m looking forward to that growth and I hope you will join me on that journey.

Oh, and coming up this Sunday, December 30th at 6pm CST, I will be live discussing writing goals for the New Year over on the Rachel Pilcher Writing Workshops Facebook page. Let’s talk!